
Monday, September 18, 2006


I first got interested in the Japanese language and the Japanese culture when I started listening and watching Japanese entertainment. Then, after going to Korea one summer a few years ago, my family decided to stop at Tokyo before coming back to the US. The city was simply put, amazing. The people were so inherently polite and of course, the food was おいしい! Although this is my sixth class, I'm really happy I'm taking this class. I knew a little bit of Japanese through watching Japanese television and basically having a lot of personal interest, but I wanted to get a real grasp on the language from the very basics and proper dialect. Anyway, I have to go to class now :p じゃまた、みんあさん。



Blogger yukki said...

こんばんは、サリーさん。I can see you enjoy your Japanese class. What kind of Japanese entertainment do you like? Maybe you can tell me about the current stuff. I'm Japanese, but I know almost nothing about new songs, dramas, etc.

6:33 PM  

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